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Drayton Gym Club



Drayton Gym Club provides an opportunity for all children in the local community to learn gymnastics within a safe and happy environment.  Our club, which is British Gymnastics affiliated, meets every Friday evening during term time from 6:15pm to 7:30pm at Drayton Manor High School Hanwell W7.   

Term Dates 2022 - 2023

  • Aut Term - Sept 16th - Dec 9th - HT 28th Oct

  • Spring Term - Jan 6th - 31st Mar - HT 17th Feb

  • Sum Term - 21st Apr - 14th July - HT 2nd Jun

The club is non-profit making and is open to children over five.  Enrollment takes place at the start of each term.  To register an interest in joining the club, please complete your details on the contact form below. 



to learn the discipline of gymnastics while having fun!





Our club meets on Friday evenings between 6.15pm and 7.30pm during school term time. 

We hold another gym session between 7.30 - 8.30pm, immediately after the early session. This is an invitation only class for those gymnasts that show both ability and commitment.


Both upper and lower level gymnasiums are used during the course of the early session, beginning in the upper gym.


Coaches arrive early to set out mats and equipment and we ask that any gymnasts and parents arriving early kindly help with this.

meet the staff


Head Coach

Chris Rawlings


Coach Level 1

Laurie Meniste


Anna Newman

Parent Helper

Awaiting Picture...

Senior Coach

Karen de Sa



Anna Betsy Seeking



Olivia Sprawka

Senior Coach



Proficiency Coach

Elina Mistry





07340 113 559  |

Drayton Gym Club, Drayton Manor High School, Drayton Bridge Rd, Hanwell, W7 1EU





Health, Safety and Welfare.

Occasionally coaches may have to help a gymnast to learn a move by providing support.  For this reason ALL coaches and volunteers adhere to BG guidelines and have been DBS checked by the Criminal Records Bureau. Senior coaches supervise all trainee and assistant coaches.

Child Welfare

The BG guidelines require the club to have a welfare officer in place.  If you have any child welfare concerns you can contact our welfare officer -Karen de Sa. If she is unavailable please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as she can.  In addition, all of our coaches are required to attend a safeguarding and protecting children welfare course.

Drayton Gym Club Welfare Officer -Karen de Sa. Phone: 07950 352086

Regional Welfare Officer - Chris Cason

Phone: 07504420629






  • How can I apply for a place for my child?
    Register your interest by filling out the contact form on our website. When the club is fully subscribed we operate a waiting list for beginners on a first come first served basis. We sometimes have places available in higher levels, so please indicate if your child already has gymnastics experience on the contact form.
  • Can my child do a trial session?
    When a place becomes available for your child you will be contacted by email or phone and invited to attend the first week as a free trial session so you can check if your child enjoys it. If you want to go ahead and join, you will be required to fill in a contact sheet containing vital information that may be needed in the event of an accident. You will also be required to register your child’s club membership, online with British Gymnastics and we will let you know how to do this. Should any of your details change please inform us as soon as possible.
  • How long is the term and what are the fees?
    Terms are normally 12 weeks long and include a half term break. Fees are due on the first session of each term. To encourage prompt payment, a £5 discount is available on all payments received during that first week. Please note: If payment is not received within the first two weeks of term, your child will be unable to take part in the gym session.
  • How do I pay?
    We prefer payment by bank transfer to Barclays Bank Account Number 73079872 Sort code 20-92-63. Please use your child’s name as a reference. We also accept cheques which should be made payable to Drayton Gym Club. Please be aware that occasionally, due to unforeseen circumstances, fees are subject to change. The club will always try to inform you of any changes in advance. In exceptional circumstances fees may be negotiated. Fees cover the cost of gymnasium hire, coaching fees, badges, certificates, and administration costs. Please note we have a £5 discount for siblings if paid ont he first Friday.
  • What do I do if I can’t attend the trial session?
    If for any reason your child is unable to attend the session at the start of term and you still wish to secure a place, please contact the membership secretary who will take payment. If payment is not received in the first two weeks of term, your place will be allocated to the next person on the waiting list. If you know your child is not returning for a new term or you have any other problems regarding admissions, could you please inform the club as soon as possible.
  • Do I need to insure my child and/or become a member of BG?
    An insurance payment is due for your child annually in September. This insurance is with British Gymnastics and can be transferred to other British Gymnastics affiliated clubs should your child wish to leave Drayton Gym Club. No child or coach is permitted to take part in club activities without insurance. Each member of the club will, via his or her insurance contributions, become a member of British Gymnastics. As part of your membership with BG you will receive a membership card and pack.
  • How are the gymnasts grouped?
    Gymnasts are grouped by ability rather than age. The club works within the BG proficiency awards scheme. This involves learning basic gymnastics skills, movement, balance, flexibility, strength, partner work and being awarded certificates and badges for demonstrating proficiency at the various graded levels. We make every effort for older newcomers to progress quickly where necessary.
  • What should my child wear?
    The club has a uniform t-shirt, although this is not compulsory. You can purchase one during any session from one of the coaches or committee members. Children should wear comfortable P.E. clothing. Leotards, t-shirts, shorts and leggings are all suitable. Loose tops and long/baggy shorts or trousers are not appropriate as they may catch on equipment. Long hair MUST be tied back. All gymnasts work in bare feet or you may purchase gym shoes from an approved company.
  • Can my child wear jewellery?
    ALL jewellery must be removed for the session, including earrings (these cannot be covered). Please be aware that under BG guidelines - any child wearing jewellery will not be permitted to participate in a gym session. Coaches are not permitted to remove jewellery from a gymnast. Where possible please leave jewellery at home. The club is unable to take responsibility for valuables. If you have any queries please discuss them with a senior coach.
  • Can I leave my child with you before 6:15pm?
    We are unable to supervise your child before the start of the session at 6.15pm. We therefore ask that they not be left unsupervised before this time.
  • Can parents and siblings stay and watch?
    Yes parents are welcome to stay and watch. Towards the end of the summer term the club also holds a display/competition evening for parents and carers to come and see their child's progress. If your child is taking part in a display you may take them home once they have finished. Children competing are required to wait until the medal presentations at the end of the evening. We hold a 'fun' session on the last week of each term. Parents / carers remaining in the gym during sessions are respectfully asked to keep noise to a minimum; this can often be a problem during the initial warm-up time when children need to be able to hear both coaches and/or music. All children who are non-members MUST be supervised by parents / carers at all times as the club is unable to take responsibility for their safety. Please do not allow children to run around as this is very distracting for gymnasts and coaches and may cause an accident.
  • Can my child walk home?
    In line with BG guidelines, gymnasts under the age of 16 must remain inside the gym until they are collected by a parent/carer. If there is a delay in the collection of the gymnast, they will then be taken to the lower gym to await collection there. If your child is to be collected by someone other than yourself; please make sure that your child is aware of who is collecting them and that their coach is informed of this. If you require your child to walk home alone (over 12 only), you must fill out the consent part of the gym registration form
  • What is the second half session?
    We hold another gym session between 7.30 - 8.30pm, immediately after the early session. This is an invitation only class for those gymnasts that show both ability and commitment. There is usually a four week trial period to enter this class. Both upper and lower level gymnasiums are used during the course of the early session, beginning in the upper gym. The invitation class takes place in either gym.
  • Who do I speak to if I have any questions or concerns?
    If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to either a committee member or one of our coaches. Please also see our section on safeguarding - contact our welfare officer -Karen de Sa on 07950 352086
  • How is the club run?
    The club is not profit making. Any proceeds made by the club are used for paying fees, buying/maintaining equipment, first aid and welfare courses and furthering coaches’ qualifications. The club has a committee which meet once a term to discuss club matters and once a year for the Annual General Meeting to which all parents / carers are invited. This usually takes place during May and notice is always given. All committee work is done on a voluntary basis; anyone interested in joining the committee would be very welcome and should speak to either a committee member or a coach and they will pass on your interest.
  • Who are the committee members?
    Acting Chair: Zinette Menist. Head Coach: Chris Rawlings. Acting Secretary: Antonia Finlay. Treasurer: Susanne Fagerbrink. Membership Secretary: Victoria Fowell. Welfare Officer: Karen de Sa. We also have two Parent Reps.
  • Where do I find Drayton Gym Club?
    Enter through Drayton Manor High School's main entrance. There are two sets of doors with a buzzer to be let in if the doors are closed. Press the buzzer and ask for gym drop off or pick up, note there may be a minute delay for security to answer the buzzer. Once through the doors turn left down the corridor and then onto the second corridor on the right. Follow this to the end, walk up the steps turn left and follow the steps to the upper gymnasium.
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